1. Hu Xiangqian – The Movement is the Music (Working title)
Hu Xiangqian is engaged in a research where he investigates music as a source for movement rather than sound. He will carry out a performance where either non-musicians play with professional musicians or where professional musicians do movements with their instruments.
2. Natasha Rosling - Performative Sculptures - various public spaces in Beijing.
Natasha Rosling has since the beginning of her career created structures that break the boundaries of clothing, sculpture and performance. For Shenzhen, she will produce a series of interactive sculptures that she will mount and wear in a series of public spaces.
3. Yang Zhifei – Dream workshops
Amsterdam-based artist Yang Zhifei will realise a series of workshops that are open to the public and that investigate the similarities and individuality of dreams. She has been researching the nature of human dreams as a part of her artistic practice for many years.
4. Jon Phillips and Matt Hope .
Jon Phillips and Matt Hope have developed a series of specially designed sound systems that are open source and that allow sound artists to create cheap and effective ways to play and present their work. They will use the speakers to create an interactive setting where everyone can play-back and interact with their own sounds.
5. Per Hüttner Calabi-Yau-Presents
Per Hüttner will perform a series of interventions in the Shenzhen cityscape. Drawing inspiration from ideas of parallel and alternative realities he mounts texts that appear to be both scientific and official, but on closer inspection are turn out to flirt with the absurdities of everyday existence.
6. Neno Belchev – suitcase across the border to HK.
(He has explained this work to you. I believe)
For different reasons, outcast from their native born places, a lot of people take long and dangerous journeys with the purpose to find better place for living. Many of them die during the way, traveling in suitcases, luggage-carrier and containers. Neno makes this research, to realize to which point some people are ready to go to immigrate in other country. What is the value of the emigration? And what is the value of the “good” life? The author desires (needs) to identify himself with them and to make the spectators put themselves in the place of the immigrants and to feel their suffering.
7. DICA - Yam Lau and Michael Yuen
DICA will present a series of works by Chen Xinpeng, Neville Mars, Yam Lau, Jean-François Côté, Ma Yong Feng, Li Zeng Hui and Yi Shen. The work is presented with the aid of a donkeythus drawing attention to how the presentation of work can have a performative aspect.
8. Josefin Wikström – Deep Inside and artist TBA.
Curator Josefin Wikström is developing a project within Invisible Generation where she invites artists to make work in non-traditional spaces in art institutions: toilets, hallways, offices etc.
9. Dinu Li.
Dinu Li proposes a series of Flash mob-like actions in a supermarket, shopping amll or similar, where groups of people interact according to rules of the game, but act as if they are complete strangers.
In this case people who appear to be complete strangers will accuse each other of being “the guilty one”. The performances are totally unannounced.